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S1E6: Ag-Gag Laws with Siobhan O'Sullivan 

Claudia speaks to Siobhan O’Sullivan about Ag-Gag laws with a particular focus on how they are manifesting in Australia. They also touch on some of the tensions that exist between animal welfare and issues of visibility. 

About Siobhan O'Sullivan

Dr. Siobhan O’Sullivan is Senior Lecturer in Social Policy at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. She has interests in animal welfare policy and environmental ethics, and is the author of three books, including: Getting Welfare to Work (2015) and Animals, Equality and Democracy (2011). Siobhan is also well known for her podcast ‘Knowing Animals’  which you can find on the iROAR – an animal focused podcast network she launched.  If you would like to find out more about Siobhan and her work, you can see a list of her publications here and you can follow her on Facebook and Twitter (@so_s). 


Siobhan O'Sullivan

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Recorded 30 April 2020


Animals, Equality and Democracy by Siobhan O’Sullivan, The Lives of Animals by J.M. Coetzee


Featured Readings:


Knowing Animals Podcast

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